A tribute to Ida Evalina Faiumu-Isa’ako

Pasifika Panel and Ida ACC 3

We celebrate Ida Faiumu-Isa’ako, who sadly passed away in 2023. Ida was an inaugural member of our ACC Pasifika Panel, and a valued contributor to addressing the needs of Pacific people in New Zealand.

Ida Faiumu-Isa’ako was an inaugural member of our ACC Pasifika Panel, and a significant contributor to addressing social, health, and equity issues faced by Pacific people in Aotearoa. A staunch advocate for her people, Ida served over 30 years in the health sector, local government, and in her community. 

Sadly, in November 2023 Ida passed away due to health complications. 

We want Pacific people to engage with ACC when they need us, but we know there are barriers in the way. To help address this, we established the Pasifika Panel to enable a closer working relationship with passionate representatives from our Pacific communities, like Ida, who help to make a meaningful difference. 

Ida was a critically important member of our panel, and we are grateful for the contributions she made during her time with us. Members of our panel, of our ACC executive, and Ida’s son Isa’ako – who works as an Injury Prevention Partner and as the co-chair of ACC’s Pasifika Komiti for staff – contribute their thoughts of appreciation for Ida below. 

Ida and her son Isaako


O le ala I le pule o le tautua – The pathway to leadership is through service.

On behalf of our family, we want to thank ACC and the Pasifika Advisory Panel for honouring our beautiful mother for her role on the panel.

There are not enough words to describe mum. Her love and leadership was never dictated by the job title she held, but by her actions. She could move mountains and shift mindsets. 

Mum’s love for our Pasifika people, our community, our church, and our family, ensured that everyone had a seat at the table and was being heard and seen.

Growing up, I have fond memories attending community engagement sessions with mum, watching her as she would tell everyone, “This is the reality on the ground. What are you going to do about fixing it?” 

It was then followed up with my favourite mum phrase, “Don’t tell me you can’t, because you can. You wanted to come here and ask how to do it, so here is how you do it. Go back and figure it out on your end, you have the answers. I expect you to come back with a solution that works for us, if not then don’t bother asking us again. But know we still love and support you.”

Mum, you have served your people like no other. You have inspired those around you to be better versions of themselves, and you have humbled many in power to do the right thing, reminding them of where they started and to never forget. 

I love you mum, keep watch over us as we continue what you have started.

Isa’ako Isa’ako

ACC – Injury Prevention Partner

O le tele o sulu e maua ai figota, e mama se avega pe a ta amo fa’atasi – My strength does not come from me alone but from many.

The ACC and Pasifika Advisory Panel were blessed with the leadership and conviction of Ida Isaako.

She brought to ACC a wealth of experience and expertise with over three decades in the health sector, local government and in community development. Ida was renowned for being a straight shooter with a passion to serve the pacific and wider community.

The panel were strong with Ida, who was deliberate, passionate, and unapologetic in our talanoa (meetings and conversations). The reflections shared by the panel, and by many others, is testament of the many treasures she leaves us with.

We were grateful to Ida that through her work and contribution we can now collectively celebrate an ACC Pasifika Framework. We also celebrate the fact that her legacy continues through our panel; through her son Isa’ako, the co-chair of the ACC Pasifika Network; and through all those she inspired to make an impact in improving outcomes for Pacific and those she cared for.

Those we love like Ida, don’t go away.  They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear to us all.

Ia, avea ia lenei avanoa tāua matou te molimoli atu ai le faafetai auā ua mau’ai se taimi ma le susuga tamaita’i toa ia Ida mo tatou galuega pasifika.

Taulalo Fiso, Chairperson 

On behalf of the ACC Pasifika Advisory Panel

Talofa e, e lē lava ni upu, e o’o mai lava ile taimi lenei e faigatā na talia le loto, malō le tautua le tinā peleina Ida, e lē galo lou sao taua mo tagata Pasefika. 

Ida, there are not enough words; even to this very day it remains difficult to not have your voice and wise counsel around our panel’s discussions. We can never forget your passion for our Pasefika communities.

Your passion for our communities left a huge impression not only on the Pasifika Advisory Panel, but on me personally. Our panel met for the very first time in April 2023 and from that moment you set our tone, direction, and empowered our purpose. 

Your years of fierce advocation, sacrifice and unapologetic appraoch in all the spaces you touched was founded on your strong faith in the Lord. Fa’afetai tinā mo galuega uma sa e tautua malosi iai, o le ā matou fa’aauina lenei tofī tāua ae manuia pea lou nofoaga ma le ali’i. 

Thank you, Ida, for all the work you pioneered and stood strong for. We will continue this legacy of love. Rest well and take your place alongside our heavenly father and be with us as we continue in our role as the Pasifika Advisory Panel. 

Soifua manuia,

Tuifa’asisina Neta Tomokina

I met Ida for the first time at the panel. I quickly learnt the richness and manna she carried. 

I would carefully listen with great respect to her perspectives, maturity and lived experience that complemented the dynamics of the panel. 

It's sad that she left too soon. 

Vivien Pole

I first met Ida in Wellington in November 2022 during ACCs community stakeholder engagement sessions as ACC sought input on their Pasifika framework.

Ida’s views and feedback at the engagement session reflected her passion for Pacific people and the community she served.

As a result of her views, honest feedback and the esteem Ida held in the community, Ida was appointed to ACCs inaugural Pasifika Advisory panel in April 2023.

Ida had unique knowledge of commercial, community and government organisations, and utilised her knowledge and experience to positively represent Pasifika peoples and communities.

Fa’afetai (thank you) Ida for the memories and your leadership. Your legacy was that at the forefront of your heart was always Pasifika people and the community.

Tuioti Vince Tuioti

On behalf of ACC, we recognise Ida Faiumu-Isa’ako’s immense contribution to the New Zealand public service. Her passion, experience, and community focus make Ida a shining example of the ‘spirit of service’ here in Aotearoa.

Ida was a passionate advocate for Pacific people, especially in health-related matters. She served much of her life in service of her community, in frontline, management and governance roles across the health sector.

We’d like to thank Ida for her contributions during our community workshops for our Pasifika Framework, for her leadership in helping to launch our Pasifika Panel, and for her ongoing commitment to ACC.

Our thoughts are with her son, Isa’ako, and all of Ida’s family as they come to terms with their loss. We will remember Ida fondly, and her legacy will live on in the many lives she touched through her acts of service.

Andrew Milne (Deputy Chief Executive – Strategy Engagement & Planning) 

Amanda Malu (Deputy Chief Executive – Service Delivery) 

Tane Cassidy (Deputy Chief Executive – Prevention and Partnerships)