Updating Accident Compensation Hearing Assessment Regulations

Kei te whakahoungia ngā ture a te ACC e pā ana ki te mahi whakamātautau taringa
Older man inserts a hearing aid into his ear

MBIE is consulting on proposed updates to the ACC Hearing Assessment Regulations.

MBIE is proposing updates to the ACC Hearing Assessment Regulations, and is consulting on what we could change.

These regulations outline the process by which providers must undertake assessment for gradual process hearing loss claims.

As part of updating these regulations, MBIE are seeking your feedback on the proposed changes, and the options you think will best meet objectives. Your feedback will help MBIE develop advice for Ministers on what changes should be made.

MBIE want to hear from providers, businesses and individuals impacted by these regulation changes. Click the link below to go to MBIE's site and provide your input.

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