Support to victims of the Whakaari/White Island eruption

He tautoko mā te hunga i pā kinotia e te hūnga o Whakaari
White Island newsroom

If you've been injured or have lost a loved one to the Whakaari/White Island eruption, we're here to help.

ACC is the organisation that runs the Government’s scheme for providing help when people are injured.

Everyone in New Zealand is covered by the scheme, including international visitors. Whether you have been injured or have lost a loved one, we're here to help. We'll work with you and your family to make sure you get the help you need.

If you’re in hospital, the staff there will submit an ACC claim for you. They’ll provide you with the treatment you need, and we’ll contact you shortly.

Support available for people living in New Zealand

If you've been injured and live in New Zealand

If you've been injured, or have lost a loved one, as well as paying for medical care, there are several ways we can support you:

Compensation for loss of earnings

We pay up to 80% of your income as weekly compensation

Payments we'll make to people who are injured if they can’t work because of their injury. We'll pay up to 80% of a person's weekly income before the injury prevented them from being able to work.

if you can't work because of an injury we cover.

Help at home

We can provide support with cleaning and looking after your home while you're injured and support with personal care activities such as showering and dressing.


We can support with caring for your children while you're injured. Help is available at home or at a play centre or kindergarten. We can also provide care to help an injured parent with tasks they can’t do for their child because of an injury, for example dressing and washing. 

Ways we can support your recovery  

Weekly compensation - getting paid if you can't work 

Support available for families living in New Zealand who have lost a loved one

Our support includes:

Helping with funeral costs

We pay a funeral grant of up to $6,311 towards funeral and memorial costs. You don’t pay any tax on this. You can choose to have the funeral or memorial in New Zealand or overseas.

Survivor grants for families

Families may also be able to receive a one-off payment to the deceased's partner, children and dependants.

We'll pay:

  •  $6,766 to the spouse or partner
  •  $3,383 to each child under 18, or other dependants.

If the child or dependant is under 16, this money will go to their parent or caregiver. You don't pay any tax on this. 

Ongoing support for children in New Zealand

If the deceased had children, families can get weekly payments to help with childcare for five years or until the child turns 14. The amount depends on how many children under 14 are being cared for.

You won’t pay tax on these payments, but it may affect help you get from Work and Income. If the child has a disability, we can see if payments can continue for longer.

Weekly compensation for families

If the deceased was earning an income in New Zealand when they died, you may be able to get compensation for the loss of that income to support the family. We pay up to 80% of what the deceased was earning.

This money is available to support the deceased’s spouse or partner, their children and, may be available to their parents or other relatives who were dependent on them. If a dependant lives overseas, they may still be able to receive payments. Payments depend on people’s circumstances. 

Financial support if someone has died 

Support available for international visitors to New Zealand

If you're visiting New Zealand and have been injured or lost a loved one

If you've been injured while visiting New Zealand we'll pay for your medical care. If you've lost a loved one there are also other ways we can support you:

Helping with funeral costs

We pay a funeral grant of up to $6,311 towards funeral and memorial costs. You don’t pay any tax on this. You can choose to have the funeral or memorial in New Zealand or overseas.

Survivor grants for families

Families may also be able to receive a one-off payment to the deceased's partner, children and dependants.

We'll pay:

  • $6,766 to the spouse or partner
  • $3,383 to each child under 18 or other dependants. If the child or dependant is under 16, this money will go to their parent or caregiver. You don’t pay any tax on this.

How to get support

Phone us on 0800 101 996
International callers, phone +64 7306 0100

Email us at

Visit us at the ACC Whakatane branch:
1st Floor, Niederer Plaza
Corner Boon Street & The Strand, Whakatane
8:30M – 5pm, Monday to Friday

Visit our website: 
ACC corporate website

Print the information on this page

Download and print the information on this page:

Fact sheet - Support for injured and their families of Whakaari/White Island eruption (PDF 882 KB)

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