Road to Zero: It takes everyone to get to no one

Road to Zero Hero

We support the Road to Zero vision, with a target of reducing annual deaths and serious injuries by 40 percent by 2030.

People being killed or injured on our roads is preventable. We want everyone to get home safely to their friends and whānau.

On average, one person is killed every day on our roads and another seven are seriously injured. We believe deaths or serious injuries should not be an inevitable cost of travelling.

The Road to Zero strategy sets out a vision where no one in Aotearoa is killed or seriously injured in road crashes.

The Road to Zero vision

“It takes everyone to get to no one,” says James Whitaker, ACC Injury Prevention Leader.

“Please, have a hmmm before you go to keep you and everyone else safe on our roads.”

Staying safe on the road

We’re here to support everyone who needs us and we have some special programmes in place to keep people safe on our roads.

Young drivers and motorcycle riders make up a third of the deaths and serious injuries on New Zealand roads.

With our partners, we’ve invested in programmes to help turn around these sobering statistics and we need your help in doing so.

Supporting young drivers with Drive

Unfortunately, 16 to 24-year-olds are over-represented in road casualties, despite huge reductions in the past 10 years. Young drivers make up 13% of licence holders but represent 30% of serious injuries on our roads, and 26% of fatalities.

Our research also shows that young drivers are more likely to crash in their first six months of having a restricted licence than any other time in their life, as they don’t have the experience of an older driver.

Mum poses with learner teenage driver

Learning to drive can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience, not just for the learner but for the parent or coach. ACC and Waka Kotahi have therefore developed an online hub with all the tools learners and coaches need to get through the learning process together – and with your relationship intact!

Drive is designed to help young people become confident, capable drivers and provides clear guidance throughout their journey from before they get their learner’s licence to fully licensed.

But parents and coaches can also take advantage of lots of hints and tips to take all the stress out of teaching someone to drive.

Claim tracking data indicates young drivers who have participated in Drive make approximately 40% fewer ACC claims than young drivers who have not participated.

By working together, we can increase participation in Drive and reduce serious injury crashes, while helping people from disadvantaged groups to obtain a licence, drive safely and fulfil their potential.

Get there together with Drive

Two motorcyclists round a corner

Looking after our motorcyclists

Motorcyclists are vulnerable road users and are overrepresented in deaths and serious injuries.

The risk of death or serious injury to a motorcyclist in a crash is 21 times higher than a car driver travelling over the same distance. On average, 50 riders per year lose their lives, with motorcycle riders having primary responsibility in 70% of fatal crashes.

As a result, we’re committed to improving motorcycle rider skills through our Ride Forever programme.

Ride Forever delivers practical riding skills coaching, both online and on-road. As well as rider skill coaching, Ride Forever also includes information about protective equipment, tips for maintaining your bike and updates with the latest safety technology.

We know it has a big impact on participants – riders who have taken a Ride Forever course are up to 50% less likely to lodge a motorcycle accident claim than non-trained riders.

Find out how you can Ride Forever

More information

ACC works with our partners, such as the Ministry of Transport, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, NZ Police, WorkSafe and local government, to reduce the number of severe road crash injuries and deaths in Aotearoa.

Keeping safe on the road