New strategic partnership to support sexual violence prevention

Working together to prevent sexual violence is the aim of a new strategic partnership with experts from the kaupapa Māori sexual violence sector.
Photo from left to right. Rear: Russell Smith, Stella Gukibau, Huhana Mason, Te Aniwaniwa Paterson, Hera Pierce, Chelsea Jacobs (ACC), Sherilee Kahui (ACC) Front: Joy Te Wiata, Tane Cassidy (ACC)
ACC and Te Taumata o Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri have formalised a partnership to enable the kaupapa Māori sexual violence sector to work with their communities to self-determine effective and sustainable sexual violence prevention.
This strategic partnership with Te Taumata o Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri allows us to work together to deliver a range of kaupapa.
Te Taumata o Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri is the Paetakawaenga (governing group) of the tangata whenua whare, Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri of Te Ōhaakii a Hine – National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST). TOAH-NNEST is a national network representing individuals and organisations providing specialist services for sexual violence prevention and intervention.
More about Te Taumata o Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri and TOAH-NNEST
Speaking about the partnership, Joy Te Wiata, Te Taumata o Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri, says;
"This is a groundbreaking partnership between ACC and Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri and for our shared vision of an Aotearoa free of sexual violence. The knowledge and expertise of the kaupapa Māori sexual violence sector, in partnership with ACC, is critical in our combined efforts to prevent sexual violence, support healing for whānau and effect long-term change so our communities can strengthen toiora and thrive."
This is an important partnership for ACC as we implement our strategy, Huakina Te Rā, and move towards a thriving Aotearoa. This mahi is also part of our responsibilities as a member of Te Puna Aonui, which brings together government agencies to help eliminate family and sexual violence.
The team are now working on the first joint initiative to create a strategy and action plan outlining the kaupapa we will work on together.
Speaking about the process to develop the partnership Tane Cassidy, DCE Prevention and Partnerships, says;
"There’s a lovely wairua and the environment feels safe and respectful, which creates the opportunity for open and improved kōrero me whakaaro."
A safe, inclusive future for all
We’re the lead agency for a number of actions under Te Aorerekura, Aotearoa’s first National Strategy and Action Plan to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence.
Te Aorerekura outlines what’s needed to achieve safe, inclusive communities across the motu (country), and our partnership with Te Taumata o Ngā Kaitiaki Mauri plays a key role in bringing that to life.
A primary prevention approach to create long-term change
We’re taking an evidence-based primary prevention or systems approach to create long-term, sustainable change at the community, cultural, system and societal levels. It’s also sometimes called ‘upstream’ prevention. Primary prevention works to prevent harm before it occurs by strengthening factors that promote wellbeing and minimising risk factors. This work is part of a four-year investment to establish a sexual violence primary prevention systems approach.