Living a strong and Nymbl life
Video transcript for Living a strong and Nymbl life
Background music throughout: funky uplifting music
TEXT ON SCREEN: Bethan Collings. Strength and Balance Coordinator.
A friendly lady wearing a pale blue polo neck T-shirt, with an ID card that reads 'Bethan Collings, Age Concern Auckland', speaks to the camera. Elderly members of a fitness class are in the background.
Falls account for 39% of all ACC claims in New Zealand, which is enormous.
Elderly members of a strength and balance class stand up out of their chairs and sit down again.
They are in a wood panelled room, with wooden floors and a bright sunlight shining through the open ranch slider door.
And of those falls claims, 22% are in the over 65s. And obviously the older you get, the higher the incidence of falls.
The class members stand on one leg whilst holding onto the back of their chairs.
So not only the strength and balance classes through the Live Stronger for Longer programme,
Footage cuts back and forth between a seated lady using an app on her mobile, and a screen recording of the phone with accompanying video game sounds.
but the Nymbl app is really imperative to try and reduce that incidence.
Nymbl is an app that you can have on an Android or your iPhone.
The app itself is quite easy to download and then it'll take you through simple instructions with a really big font and the exercises are great.
Bethan speaks to camera with class members in background
So they’re all mainly balance exercises, but they have a cognitive component.
So they do things like test your memory or some trivia.
A wide shot of class members walking around chairs which are placed in an inward-facing circle followed by closeups of class members exercising and Bethan demonstrating.
So, it's a really good way for the brain and the body to be working at the same time.
Falls are highly preventable, especially in our older people.
And so, the idea is, is by having easier access to these exercises and the cognitive aspect, then hopefully, you know, falls should reduce.
Bethan to camera with class members in background
Our older people only need to use Nymbl a few times a week and each exercise takes about 10 minutes. So, it's not even that much.
Bethan, standing, shows a mobile phone to a class member who is seated.
A strong looking younger man demonstrates the mobile phone app to an older lady.
Nymbl has actually been shown to reduce the chance of a fall and basically increase someone's strength and balance by 30%.
Bethan to camera
So, it's a really simple, straightforward way to be able to improve your balance in the comfort of your own home.
TEXT ON SCREEN: ACC Logo. He Kaupare. He Manaaki. He Whakaora. Prevention. care. Recovery.
Falls become increasingly common as we age, and while they are the leading cause of injuries for New Zealanders aged 65 and over, they are not inevitable. Help is at hand with ACC's brand new Nymbl app.
Tua and her fellow retirees are in fits of laughter at the Ōtara Court Seniors Hall in South Auckland.
They’ve been standing on one leg with their eyes closed for as long as they can, using the back of a chair for safety.
It’s her weekly Live Stronger for Longer class, and for Tua, it’s as much about socialising as improving her strength and balance into her 80s and beyond.
“I do my exercise. I will have a good life. A healthy life,” she says.

Live Stronger for Longer class in Ōtara
Fall prevention is key to a independent life
It’s well known that staying active is one of the most important factors when it comes to living a long and healthy life.
As our muscles and bones naturally weaken with age, many of us lose our balance skills, making falls more likely and injuries more severe.
In fact, one in three New Zealanders over 65 and will fall each year and this increases to one in two for people over 80.
From head injuries to hip fractures, dislocated shoulders to herniated discs, falls and their associated injuries are a leading cause of decline among older people.
But falls don’t have to be part of the aging process.
With regular strength and balance exercises it’s possible to remain steady on your feet, increase your confidence and wellbeing, and continue to live an independent life.
There are many free programmes to help with this. Some are community based and some can be done in the comfort of your own home.
A personal trainer in the palm of your hand
Nymbl is ACC’s new phone app. It’s free to download and combines exercises for your body and your mind. They can be done in simple 10 minute sessions, a few times a week or as often as you like.
“Regular use of Nymbl has been shown to reduce the chances of falls by 30%,” says Bethan Collings from Age Concern Auckland. “It’s a really simple way to improve your strength and balance in your own home.”
Bethan is a Live Stronger for Longer co-ordinator and runs classes all over Auckland for people who love to socialise when they exercise. There are classes all around New Zealand, organised by local community health providers, home carers, and community groups.
As part of her classes Bethan helps participants to download the Nymbl app and is encouraging them to get their friends and family to do the same.

The Nymbl app
Download Nymbl now
The Nymbl app is available for Apple and Android devices and can be downloaded for free from:
For more information about Live Stronger for Longer classes in your area, visit the Live Stronger for Longer website: