Innovators wanted. Apply for a workplace injury prevention grant

Have you got a great idea to improve workplace health and safety in your industry?
Kiwis are great innovators. It’s our number eight wire mentality. So we want to support Kiwi businesses to be innovative when it comes to workplace health and safety.
We want to help make it easier for you to improve health and safety in your business and share those benefits with other businesses in your industry or supply chain.
Businesses in high-risk sectors are now invited to apply for workplace injury prevention grants. Grants will be between $50,000 and $500,000 per year up to three years to carry out a project that will help strengthen sector leadership in health and safety systems.
How to apply for a grant
Applications are open from 28 February to 28 March.
You’ll need to check the eligibility criteria and download the applicant guidelines before making your application online using our portal. You can find more information on our workplace injury prevention grants page.
Workplace injury prevention grants
If you have any enquiries about the processes, email us.
Workplace injury prevention grants to help you
Often businesses and workers have great ideas to improve health and safety but lack the necessary funds to make those ideas a reality.
No matter the size of your business, if you have an idea that could benefit your business, as well as having wider benefits at a national or regional level, then workplace injury prevention grants could be the helping hand you need.
“The funding will support Kiwi businesses to develop effective health and safety solutions and help them share their learnings and innovations. We want all Kiwis to return home safely to their friends and whanau from work,” says Paul.
Grants are available in the following categories:
- Innovation— this includes projects that focus on the design and use of new technologies and/or methodologies
- System Capability Development—this includes projects that emphasise solving problems of national or regional significance
- Applied Research— this includes projects that contribute to economic, system-wide or behavioural change in workplace health and safety.
$22 million set aside to help businesses reduce workplace injury
Many organisations do not have the financial resources, capability or capacity to invest in health and safety improvements and innovation. We are therefore investing $22 million in Kiwi businesses over the next five years to help them improve workplace health and safety. This initiative was announced by Minister Iain Lees-Galloway in January.
The investment includes workplace injury prevention grants and workplace injury prevention subsidies. The first round of grants and subsidies offerings are open for application from 28 February.
For more information, visit our subsidies and grants pages.