Important information about novel coronavirus COVID-19

Ngā kōrero matua mō te mate hou COVID-19
A person washes their hands with soap and water

We'll continue to support the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders throughout the COVID-19 response.

The response to COVID-19 will take all of us to come together to look after New Zealanders.

While we're not considered an essential service in the COVID-19 response, we continue to support the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.

We're taking steps to make sure our critical functions remain operational. This means focusing on supporting clients in vulnerable situations and making sure payments to clients and health providers continue. We're also concentrating on maintaining our lodgement and claims processes.

There's likely to be service disruption during this time, and we'll continue to update our website with important information. You can find updates on our dedicated COVID-19 section.

COVID-19 updates from us

Our branches are closed, but you can still contact us. It's best to send any questions to us by email.

Contact us

We apologise in advance for the likely delays in responding to your queries.

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