Workplace health and safety leaders recognised at awards

The annual awards challenge and inspire businesses around Aotearoa to make health and safety a priority in their workplace.
Many of the best health and safety leaders and initiatives in the country have again been recognised at the Safeguard Workplace Health and Safety Awards.
Proudly supported by ACC and WorkSafe New Zealand, the awards are organised by Safeguard and were presented at a gala dinner at the Cordis Hotel in Auckland this week.
The awards have been held since 2005 and have become an annual highlight for everyone involved in the prevention of workplace injury and ill-health.
“We’re pleased to continue our support of this event and celebrate the wide achievements in promoting workplace health and safety,” says Adam Jennings, Head of Business Partnerships for ACC.
“This year’s finalists showcased a wide variety of effective health, safety and wellbeing initiatives, and it’s important their work is recognised,” he adds.
“We hope this event and the finalists’ initiatives will challenge and inspire other businesses around Aotearoa to make health and safety a priority in their workplace.”
We sponsored the Best Leadership of an Industry Sector or Region category and were joint sponsors, with WorkSafe New Zealand, of the Supreme Award for Best Overall Contribution to Improving Workplace Health and Safety in New Zealand.
Digital shield use claims overall honours
The Supreme Award was claimed by KiwiRail/Downer/Aurecon, who came out on top after the judges considered the winners of all nine other categories.
They received the award for their work on a double tracking project on the Trentham to Upper Hutt rail corridor, which required excavator work close to the busy rail line and near overhead power lines.
Using 3D and GPS technology, digital shields were produced that created a virtual no-go zone. If an excavator touched the invisible shield it would automatically shut down, protecting both the operator and anyone in a passing train.
This project was the first to use digital shield technology in a rail corridor and has given KiwiRail confidence to let excavators and other mobile plant work close to the tracks, knowing there will be fewer interruptions to train services.
Air New Zealand recognised for response to pandemic
The ACC Best Leadership of an Industry Sector or Region category was meanwhile won by Air New Zealand, who edged out a pair of fellow finalists in Fletcher Building and the Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum and Leading Safety.
Air New Zealand claimed the honours in this category for its response to the initial Covid-19 period in early 2020, which led to the airline shutting down significant parts of its operations, shedding a third of its staff and leaving many of the rest feeling lost and overwhelmed.
It swiftly created a risk-based Covid response plan, using the combined talents of its health and safety, aviation, occupational health and strategic wellbeing teams.
This plan enabled the remaining operational staff and associated suppliers and contractors to be well protected from Covid, as well as its passengers.
Air New Zealand also launched an online wellbeing check-in tool for all staff globally, which has been extensively used.
More information about the awards
To find out the award winners and finalists in all other categories, please go to the Safeguard website: