HARMfree transport programme driving workplace safety

A man getting into a large truck.

A new transport and logistics initiative is tackling injury across the sector with online resources to improve workplace safety and worker wellbeing, with funding from the ACC workplace injury prevention grant.

Transport and logistics workers often face high-pressure, demanding working conditions, with unique challenges. 

“Circadian disruption, sleep deprivation and long periods of isolation can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue,” says John Sansom, programme manager at the New Zealand Trucking Association (NTA).

“We wanted to support positive change in this space by raising awareness of the psychosocial hazards for workers in the transport and logistics industry.”

These hazards include high work demands, low social support, irregular schedules and lack of communication – which could lead to poor outcomes like injuries, stress and sleep disorders.

In 2022, NTA applied for an ACC workplace injury prevention grant. It was awarded $850,000 over three years to develop tools and resources focused on mental wellbeing for the transport industry.

“ACC also connected us with other like-minded companies that wanted to partner on this initiative,” John says.

HARMfree supporters Mike Ruki Willison and John Baillie wearing high-vis vests in front of a truck.

HARMfree supporters Mike Ruki Willison and John Baillie, who is the chairman of National Road Carriers.

Online portal shows the way to change

The HARMfree Transport and Logistics Online Portal was launched in September 2023. It’s proudly supported by NTA and National Road Carriers (NRC), with a steering group of industry stakeholders, health and safety professionals, and transport and logistics operators.

Industry partners Success Formula, Fit For Duty and AutoSense have also collaborated on the initiative.

“HARMfree collates resources and information together into an easy-to-follow portal, saving time and providing practical, easily implementable content,” John says.

The online portal is designed to empower both leaders and workers to make behavioural changes in the workplace and manage hazards related to psychosocial harm.

It offers transport and logistics-specific content that addresses the unique challenges faced by the industry, particularly the high number of incidents in and around vehicles.

The programme integrates into existing educational programmes, including The Safety MAN Road Safety Truck and the AutoSense #EYESUPNZ campaign.

John says the HARMfree portal provides access to a network of health and safety professionals across the industry who can help operators to grow their own knowledge and practices.

“The ultimate goal is to create an industry of health and safety champions that encourage and support each other to create a safer working environment that excels in health and safety.”

A large truck driving along a country road towards the camera.

We wanted to support positive change in this space by raising awareness of the psychosocial hazards for workers in the transport and logistics industry.
- John Sansom, New Zealand Trucking Association (NTA)

The four pillars of HARMfree

HARMfree is split into four key focus areas, each practically designed to cultivate a diverse group of health and safety champions across the industry, including:

  • Good Work Design (GWD) in the workplace is essential to help reduce psychosocial harm, increase productivity, benefit worker wellbeing and help prevent harm before it occurs.

  • Wellbeing is at the heart of the HARMfree Transport and Logistics programme. A company that champions their workers’ wellbeing will result in a better culture, with workers who are happier, focused, more productive and motivated.

  • Training provides companies with a host of benefits. HARMfree guides leaders and workers to a range of training options and providers for upskilling and empowerment. Training is essential to regulatory compliance and risk management.

  • Connecting and opening lines of communication between health and safety champions provides a platform for knowledge sharing and continuous personal, company and industry improvement.

A forklift operator working in a factory.

A positive response from the industry

One month on from launch, John says there has been an incredibly supportive response to the portal from across the industry.

“Many colleagues have shared that they were busy working in isolation, conducting their own internet searches for information on wellbeing,” he says.

“While that information is available, it can be challenging to locate and there is a huge volume of material to review. HARMfree is saving time and effort.”

The transport and logistics industry is richly diverse, with over 35 per cent of the workforce being made up of Māori, Pasifika and Asian workers. But evidence shows these groups experience disproportionately higher rates of workplace injuries.

“We’re committed to developing and providing targeted resources and information through HARMfree. Our aim is to engage effectively with our diverse communities to create a safer and more inclusive work environment for all,” John says.

With a further two years of funding available, John believes the HARMfree portal has a bright future.

“The ACC Workplace Injury Prevention Grant was instrumental in us undertaking this journey,” he says.

“We look forward to further expanding and enhancing the portal to better support our industry in achieving improved outcomes for kaimahi (workers).”

Our aim is to engage effectively with our diverse communities to create a safer and more inclusive work environment for all.
- John Sansom, New Zealand Trucking Association (NTA)

A large truck driving over a bridge across a river in front of mountains.

More information

Visit the HARMfree website to learn more about the programme and how it’s improving workplace safety and worker wellbeing.

Start your HARMfree journey

Since 2019, ACC has been awarding workplace health and safety grants as part of a five-year investment to influence change in the workplace, find out more on our website.

Workplace injury prevention grants