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Five tips to work from home without injury

Working from home has its challenges. Here's five tips to work from home without injury and make it that little bit easier.
Over the past two years, working from home has become the norm for many people around Aotearoa and it’s likely to be a big part of our life in 2022.
We get it. Working from home has its own unique challenges.
The home has become our workplace and there are hazards everywhere, especially when you are tired and stressed.
Our statistics show you're more likely to be hurt in and around the home than in any other location. Our research also shows that 90 percent of accidents are predictable and therefore preventable.
Here are five tips on working from home with your wellbeing in mind.
Get physical and get outside
Just like you would in the office, be sure to get up and move often. Put times in your diary to get up and make a cup of tea and walk around the house.
Our bodies aren't designed to be sitting for long periods of time, and it'll give your brain a refresh too.
At some point in the day make sure you get outside. Serotonin is the hormone responsible for boosting mood, as well as a host of other functions.
Exposure to sunshine is a way to naturally increase serotonin levels. A walk around the block can do a world of good for your mood.
See our guide to exercising at home safely: Seven tips for exercising at home
Wrangle loose toys and cables
Chances are your home office might also be used as a kitchen, lounge, or kid's bedroom.
This week parents all over New Zealand are breathing a deep sigh of relief as kids return to school. It will make a world of difference to everyone’s sanity and make working from more achievable.
Trips and falls are the most common hazards to happen in the home, but they're also the most avoidable. If you kids are home, schedule in times throughout the day to tidy up together to keep the home a safe place.
You probably have a few extra power cables snaking around your workspace. Use velcro straps or twist ties if you have them to bind cables neatly together, then tape them to table legs or skirting boards to keep them clear of walkways.

Shift heavy furniture with care
Plenty of New Zealanders think “it should be sweet” and injure their backs while trying to move large, heavy furniture around the house.
If you're moving around desks or tables to refresh your workspace, do it carefully. Injuries while moving furniture are more common than you'd think.
On average, there are 12,000 new claims for furniture-related injuries each year, with back injuries being the most common. Remember to bend your knees, not your back, and brace your core.
Raise that laptop
Forty hours working over a laptop and a workstation that is not set up properly can do some serious damage.
If you've been looking down at a laptop, you may be feeling some tension in your shoulders and neck. Raise the laptop screen to eye level using household items like shoeboxes or books.
Consider adding an external keyboard and mouse to help set yourself up as you would in your office.
You've heard these ergonomic safety tips before, but they work:
- keep your arms at a 90-degree angle
- keep your feet flat on the floor
- and relax your elbows by your side.
For more tips, TBIhealth has guides for workstation set up and stretches.
How to set up a remote workstation - TBIhealth website
Connection is important
Your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical setup. It is hard to have the everyday conversations with people while working from home. It is important to stay connected and remain social with friends and colleagues. You can do this by regularly scheduling in video calls or phone calls and have the time as a dedicated social call to check in. If you haven't already, consider starting a daily virtual quiz or a weekly shared virtual morning tea.
Take time out
Finally, make time to take care of yourself and your whānau. We're all working through an unprecedented time, and everyone will be affected differently.
Working from home can be a big adjustment, so go easy on yourself, take plenty of breaks, and be kind to others. Although life is different during COVID-19, we're still here to help prevent injuries and provide care and support if things go wrong.
For more advice on looking after your wellbeing, check out the New Zealand COVID-19 website.
Unite Against COVID-19 - Looking after your mental wellbeing