Apparent fraudulent access to some MyACC client accounts
We’re currently managing an issue of apparent fraudulent access to some accounts in our self-service online platform, MyACC. We’re continuing to provide support to our clients through branch, contact centre and email channels.
We’re currently managing an issue of apparent fraudulent access to some accounts in our self-service online platform, MyACC.
The people behind the apparent fraud appear to have used MyACC to submit fraudulent travel reimbursement claims to ACC for financial gain.
The fraud was picked up after ACC initially detected a small number of unusual transactions.
ACC Chief Executive Megan Main says it appears likely to have been perpetuated by several people.
“At this stage it seems that a large proportion of those committing the apparent fraud were using their own MyACC account, or the accounts of others who had shared identity information with them,” she says.
“There is currently no evidence that ACC’s cyber security has been compromised. Our investigations are ongoing.”
Overall, ACC has identified up to 500 MyACC accounts that have recently changed their personal details, which are being investigated. All of the clients associated with these accounts have either been contacted, or contact has been attempted on multiple occasions.
“We’re deeply disappointed at the actions of the perpetrators of this apparent fraud and understand this news will be unsettling for our clients,” Megan says.
“On discovering the issue, we shut down MyACC and began an urgent forensic investigation, working with external experts to determine more about the perpetrators and the possible original source of the identity information that was used.”
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has been notified of the issue, along with the Police.
“We will turn MyACC back on as soon as we can,” Megan says.
ACC continues to provide support to its clients through branch, contact centre and email channels.
Monday to Friday operating hours in the ACC contact centre have been extended and the contact centre will also be open 10am to 3pm this weekend. Digital forms are available on our website for people wanting access to claims services.
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“We ask our clients to be patient with our customer teams who are doing the best they can to manually manage aspects of claims that would normally be processed online through our MyACC platform,” Megan says.
“We’re working hard to support any clients who are impacted.”