Andy Milne recognised for service to New Zealanders

Kua whakanuia a Andy Milne i āna mahi mā ngā tāngata o Aotearoa
Andy Milne holds his award next to Deputy Prime Minister The Hon Grant Robertson, and Her Excellency

Our Deputy Chief Executive Strategy, Engagement and Planning Andy Milne has been recognised for his service to New Zealanders by receiving a prestigious award.

In a reception at Government House this week, Andy became one of just 35 New Zealanders to receive Te Tohu Ratonga Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | The New Zealand Public Service Medal this year for outstanding public service.

Te Rā Ratonga Tūmatanui | The Public Service Day Awards recognise public servants who exemplify the spirit of service and make a real difference through their everyday work for New Zealanders. The medals are awarded each year on Public Service Day.

Andy was recognised for his work during his time as Deputy Secretary for Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ).

His nomination stated the following:

“Andy’s spirit of service is evident in the way he builds relationships and brings everyone together to serve the community. His extraordinary ability to connect with others and put them at ease ensured MIQ’s vast network was all on the same page and could continue to keep New Zealand safe from COVID-19."

"Andy is a true leader and team player. His colleagues say he always looks to shoulder as much of the burden as possible, while readily acknowledging the achievements and efforts of his team. Andy deeply values his connection with iwi, and iwi partners noted his exemplary leadership and true sense of partnership."

"He is not motivated by thanks or acknowledgement. His humility, devotion, energy and enthusiasm make Andy a fitting recipient of the New Zealand Public Service Medal.”

Her Excellency, The Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro, GNZM, QSO, hosted the ceremony, attended by the medal recipients, Deputy Prime Minister Hon Grant Robertson, Minister for the Public Service Hon Chris Hipkins and the Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes.

“Public Service Day is an opportunity to reflect on the year and recognise the outstanding work of public servants,” said the Commissioner.

“This year we recognised people who were vital to the COVID-19 response. People who protected the border and people who worked tirelessly to ensure the wellbeing of communities was at the forefront of the response. People who saved lives.

“The medal winners demonstrated the spirit of service in action. They were at the heart of the response to the pandemic, and this is something to be commended.”

You can find the full list of medal recipients on the Public Service Commission website.

Te Rā Ratonga Tūmatanui | the Public Service Day Awards 2022