AIMS Games 2019: Daily updates

We're back for a third year at the AIMS Games, with the goal of reducing sport-related injuries among young athletes.
The AIMS Games is the biggest sporting event in New Zealand for intermediate school-aged kids. It's a chance for them to compete as an individual or in a team against the best of their sporting codes over a week of competition in Tauranga (8 - 12 September).
Why we're there
It's the third year we've partnered with the Games with the goal of reducing sport-related injuries among these young athletes and setting them up with good injury prevention skills for life.
We're focusing on teaching kids about how to recognise and deal with concussion in their mates or themselves and on how to prepare, condition and recover correctly using the ACC SportSmart programme and it's code-specific offshoots.
For the latest highlights of each day of competition, check back here each day.
Day one highlights
It was a chilly, rainy start to the Games. But that didn't stop the smiles and excitement from participants in the cross country races held at Waipuna Park. View our video highlights for more.
Day two highlights
It was the turn of the rugby and netball players today at Blake Park. We roamed the fields and courts on a mission to find out what AIMS Games kids know about concussion.
Day three highlights
Amidst epic mud and rain, the rugby and rugby sevens kids thrashed it out on the field at Blake Park today. We chatted with young people and experts about the signs and symptoms of concussion and what to do if you think a mate might be concussed.
Day four highlights
Former All Blacks team doctor, Deb Robinson, spoke with us today about concussion and what to do if you reckon you've spotted it in someone.
Day five highlights
We had a quick chat today with Jamie Tout, the Black Ferns' strength and conditioning coach, about why it's important to warm up, cool down, and take time out from sport.