ACC to sponsor AOIC sustainable investing event in 2022

We are delighted to announce that we are co-sponsoring the Assembly of Investment Chairs (AOIC) this year.
ACC is delighted to co-sponsor the Assembly of Investment Chairs (AOIC) in 2022, where not-for-profit, Iwi and community trust organisations can receive and share knowledge on investing to tackle ESG challenges such as climate change, human rights and social issues.
AOIC participants get access to the knowledge and thinking of local and international speakers in the sustainable investing industry and related roles on topics such as green construction, green bonds, direct impact investing, Iwi investing and secondary market investment impact.
“The AOIC presents a significant opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities in ESG investing, in the context of creating real world impacts and aligning investor and manager purpose,” says Dr Sebastian Gehricke, Deputy Director of Otago University and Energy Finance Group.
Otago University Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup).
ACC Investment’s sponsorship “will allow the leadership team to continue, grow and improve this impactful event.”
The AOIC has been an annual event since 2019, convened by CEFGroup, one of the world’s largest climate and sustainable finance teams, and the Guardians of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund.
Our co-sponsor is Precinct Properties. The 2022 event is expected to be held in November and details will be published closer to the time.
We hope to see you there. Meanwhile, you can access a recording of the 2021 event, where the theme was investing for impact,